A Vitamin for youngsters like You’ve never Seen before

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Children don’t always get the appropriate nutrition from the food they eat.  numerous of us mothers have traditional picky eaters.  That is why it is extremely essential for kids ages 4 as well as as much as take a everyday multivitamin as well as mineral.  youngsters multivitamins are available in numerous different forms, from chewable, to gummy.  However, many of those vitamins are full of added sugar, are commonly missing essential nutrients as well as can stay with your child‘s teeth. now there is a much better as well as healthier alternate to the common children’s multivitamin.

AlternaVites youngsters is a new full spectrum children’s multivitamin as well as mineral developed to be sprinkled on the tongue like a pixie stick.  utilizing a proprietary blend of ingredients, alternaVites youngsters includes necessary vitamins as well as minerals formulated particularly for kids ages 4 as well as up.

Why alternaVites youngsters is different from other children’s multivitamins 

Extremely versatile: Melt in your mouth or mix into smoothies, yogurts, puddings, shakes or even sprinkle onto fruit…The choices are endless!

Available in two delicious flavors: Strawberry Bubblegum as well as Raspberry Cotton Candy

Contains 0 grams of sugar (free of aspartame as well as high fructose corn syrup)

No synthetic colors, flavors, preservatives or sweeteners

Does not include the major food allergens (egg, milk, peanut, tree nuts, wheat, soy, fish as well as shellfish)


Certified kosher

AlternaVites youngsters are available in private packets. You can provide your kid age 4 as well as up one packet a day.  The directions suggest that you open the packet as well as sprinkle a bit bit each time on your child’s tongue.  When I tried providing my four-year-old child a packet I discovered that the crystals came out extremely fast.  It appeared that you can sluggish down exactly how it pours by snipping a smaller hole into the packet.  AlternaVites likewise suggests that you can utilize a spoon, mix it into smoothies, puddings, yogurts or sprinkle it on top of fruit.

My child liked the flavor as well as I wasn’t able to provide it to him quick enough. For kids who don’t like to chew their multivitamins alternaVites youngsters is a amazing option.  They are fun, flavorful, flexible as well as do not include sugar or other unhealthy additives. They’re a excellent method to make an simple healthy smoothie for breakfast on hectic days or a snack after soccer practice.

Check out these excellent smoothie recipes from alternaVites Kids

Chocolate Banana Smoothie

Ingredients: 1 banana , 1/2 cup of fat totally free milk (or any type of milk you prefer), 1 ½ tablespoon chocolate syrup, 1/4 cup ice, 1 packet of alternaVites or alternaVites youngsters

Directions: location all ingredients in blender. blend up until smooth as well as creamy. Genieten van!

 Orange Pineapple Smoothie

Ingredients: 1/2 cup fresh, cut-up pineapple, 1/4 cup fat totally free milk (or any type of milk you prefer), 1/4 cup orange juice, 1/4 cup ice, 1 packet alternaVites or alternaVites Kids, any type of flavor 

Directions: location all ingredients in blender. blend up until smooth as well as creamy. Genieten van!

Multiberry Smoothie

Ingredients: 1/4 cup vanilla yogurt (preferably low fat), 1/4 cup fresh strawberries, 1/4 cup fresh raspberries, 1/4 cup fresh blueberries, 1/4 cup water, 1/4 cup ice, 1 packet alternaVites or alternaVites Kids, any type of flavor

Directions: location all ingredients in blender. blend up until smooth as well as creamy. Genieten van! delight in a this delicious method to get your vitamins.

Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

Ingredients: 1/4 cup cooked oatmeal (slightly cooked), 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt, 1 banana, 1/4 cup ice, 1 packet alternaVites or alternaVites Kids, any type of flavor

Directions: location all ingredients in blender. blend up until smooth as well as creamy. Genieten van! Optional: Drizzle of maple syrup and/or sprinkling of cinnamon

source: alternavites.com 

For much more info about alternaVites youngsters see alternavites.com/kids.

*This is a sponsored post. I got product payment in exchange for this review.  All opinions are precise as well as 100% mine.

Over onze oprichter

Cascia Talbert is a hectic blogger,  and mom of five children, living in Spokane, WA. Met een B.A. in geschiedenisNaast wetgeving en een enthousiasme voor het componeren en gezond blijven, begon ze in 2007 het gezonde Mothers -magazine. Het tijdschrift Healthy Mothers is momenteel gerangschikt op de beste gezondheids- en wellnessblog voor moeders. Mevrouw Talbert gelooft dat als moeders goed op de hoogte zijn van gezondheids- en welzijnsproblemen en precies hoe ze gezond kunnen blijven, ze die informatie kunnen doorgeven aan hun kinderen en de obesitasstatistieken van de jeugd in de VS kunnen omkeren

Mevrouw Talbert runt het Social Network van Healthy Mothers, is de maker van Healthy Mothers Media, evenals blogs op Talbertzoo.com. Je kunt met haar voldoen op facebook.com/thehealthymomsmag en twitter.com/cltalbert.

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